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Judith Bautista Fajardo

Deacon 2014

Priest 2014


Judith is a woman of faith, poet and composer. She has earned a PhD in Education, is licensed in Philosophy and Letters, and she has studied Theology, Biblical Scripture, transpersonal psychology and Spirituality. Currently, Judith is a university teacher and she offers psychotherapeutic and spiritual direction, while remaining engaged in artistic creation.

Among her publications as a composer and writer are: Danzando la resurrección de los cuerpos, 2015, Destellos de Tormenta Azul- Poetry, 2012; Desacostúmbrame, 2009; Como Espada de Dos Filos, 2002. And she has worked collaboratively as well: Minga de la Esperanza, 2012; Palabras para el Encuentro, 2011, Mesa de Fraternidad, 2005¸Las 7 Palabras de Jesús en la cruz, 2000; Celebremos en el Espíritu-Misa de Pentecostés,1998; Cantos para la Iglesia Joven de América Latina, 1993; Qué Chévere es Dios: Novena de Navidad Para Niños,1993.


She is a Spiritual director, Inter-faith Minister and co-pastors the Inclusive-Interreligious and International Spiritual Communion In All Your Names “En Todos Tus Nombres”, in Bogotá- Colombia.

You can communicate with Judith by email: or visit her web page:

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