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St Mary Magdalene Community

Philadelphia PA

Eileen McCafferty DiFranco (

Caryl Conroy Johnson (

Kathleen Gibbons Schuck (

We are a growing catholic community, which now holds services in Drexel Hill, Pennsylvania; Palmyra, New Jersey and Wilmington, Delaware. Our members and visitors come from many parts of the tri-state area. 

In Drexel Hill, PA, each Sunday we gather for liturgy at 9 am. McBurney Chapel, Drexel Hill United Methodist Church, 600 Burmont Road (corner of School Lane), Drexel Hill, PA 19026. The Liturgy each Sunday at 9 am eastern time will be hybrid with some gathered face to face in person and the larger community across the United States and around the world on Zoom. Contact Kathy Schuck at for the Zoom link.

In Palmyra, NJ, we gather at 4 pm one Saturday per month at Epworth United Methodist Church (enter chapel via ramp), 501 Morgan Avenue, Palmyra, NJ 08065. Contact Jackie at to receive email updates.

As an inclusive community, we value and welcome all.   We believe in the dignity of every person. We are one with those who cherish love, peace, equality, tolerance, and compassion.  We do not discriminate on the basis of marital status, sexual identity, or religious affiliation. We choose to honor and embrace diversity.

In our worship we joyfully celebrate the Christ among us.  Contemplative and educational gatherings are life-giving aspects of our community.  We invite each person to journey in freedom into a deeper relationship with their God, with themselves, and with others.  

Each of us brings to this community the gifts of truth, understanding, respect for others’ autonomy, responsibility, and love which sustain our individual spirituality. We are one in the Spirit:  a joyful mosaic of energy, light and service for our world. 

If you decide to worship with us, you may notice that we do things a bit differently. There is a traditional saying that tells us we pray as we believe.  Our worship reflects our core belief in the absolute equality of all people before God and the priesthood of all believers. In our interactive homilies, all are welcome to offer their reflections on the scriptures. 

Since the altar belongs to God, we believe in an open communion table where all are fed.  We do our best to pray in gender - inclusive language.  All of our prayers reflect our belief that Spirit invites us to inner freedom.  Secure in that knowledge, we are empowered to go forth into the world as signs of God’s love and mercy. 

Please visit our website for more information.

This website was created and is maintained by Roman Catholic Womenpriests-USA, Inc. (RCWP-USA, Inc.), a California 501(c) 3 non-profit corporation, as an educational and informational service to the public. RCWP-USA, Inc. promotes and supports the ordination of women and men in a renewed priestly ministry in the Roman Catholic Church. This website provides information about RCWP worldwide, with special focus on RCWP in the USA. Every ministry convened by a RCWP member operates separately and independently from Roman Catholic Womenpriests-USA, Inc. RCWP-USA, Inc. disclaims any responsibility for the operation of these ministries. The biographical information and descriptions of the ministries are for informational purposes only. This website also contains links to third party sites. Such links do not constitute or imply an endorsement and or sponsorship by RCWP-USA, Inc. RCWP-USA, Inc. is not responsible for such third party websites and is not liable for the contents therein.

© 2021 Roman Catholic Womenpriests-USA, Inc

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