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Marie David

Deacon 2005

Priest 2005

Marie David, M.Ed. was ordained to the priesthood on July 25, 2005 on the St. Laurent Seaway. She has served as a Director of Religious Education Programming and as a consultant for the Sadlier Publishing Company as well as a contributing author to their Religious Education series. She has been a presenter for numerous workshops on women's spirituality and wellness, and early childhood faith development.  As a parent and grandparent she has designed and implemented programs for Liturgy of the Word for Children and in the Spirituality of Parenting.   Marie is a Spiritual Director, Retreat Leader and offers Reiki Treatments and Training through Evensong Ministries, LLC.  As a Reiki Master/Teacher, Marie brings a unique integration of Eastern and Western spirituality to her work with others. She and her husband Jim are co-pastors of St. Mary of Magdala Church which gathers for worship at St. Peter’s Lutheran Church, 310 Rt. 137 in E. Harwich, MA.  Marie is the author of Sacred Heart Songs (Balboa Press, 2013).  Marie can be reached at 508-737-2883 or

This website was created and is maintained by Roman Catholic Womenpriests-USA, Inc. (RCWP-USA, Inc.), a California 501(c) 3 non-profit corporation, as an educational and informational service to the public. RCWP-USA, Inc. promotes and supports the ordination of women and men in a renewed priestly ministry in the Roman Catholic Church. This website provides information about RCWP worldwide, with special focus on RCWP in the USA. Every ministry convened by a RCWP member operates separately and independently from Roman Catholic Womenpriests-USA, Inc. RCWP-USA, Inc. disclaims any responsibility for the operation of these ministries. The biographical information and descriptions of the ministries are for informational purposes only. This website also contains links to third party sites. Such links do not constitute or imply an endorsement and or sponsorship by RCWP-USA, Inc. RCWP-USA, Inc. is not responsible for such third party websites and is not liable for the contents therein.

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