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Ann Ralston

Deacon 2016

Priest 2016

Ann Ralston was born in Cape Town, South Africa in 1936, and has lived there most of her life. She joined the Pallottine Sisters in 1962, and in the late 70's completed her medical degree, going on to work in State clinics during the years of apartheid. Ann also taught in an adult education night school in one of South Africa’s black townships.  Over the years, she has served as spiritual companion to many. Ann has always enjoyed hiking in South Africa’s mountains and coastland, and has deep love for South Africa’s plants, animals and birds.  Now retired from her medical practice, she lives in a cottage with a small garden and view direct on to mountains. Ann will serve in priestly ministry with Rev. Mary Ryan, another RCWP priest in South Africa. They are both in discernment with a small faith community as to how to move onward, and what ministries will open up to Ann. Contact Ann on

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